Tips for surviving the peak of the winter blues

Tips for surviving the peak of the winter blues

Winter is in full swing, which means we all need straps and warmth. The center of disappointing winters marks the end of two hellish hibernations, winter blues.

Winter is in full swing, which means we all need sun and warmth. This center of winter is disappointed by the most profound hibernation, overeating, and total lack of physical activity that winter brings.

If you live in a cold tundra (like me), winter puts a severe strain on your normal daily life, especially if the fairer months involve eating fresh fruits and vegetables and exercising outdoors. Here are six ways to improve your life at the height of winter…

Tips for surviving

Seasonal effect disorder

Seasonal depression, or SAD, occurs with the seasons. It happens in a cycle, which means it occurs at a relatively same time each year. For many, SAD tends to occur during the winter (i.e., I watch you in February).

According to information from the health institution, approx. 6 percent of those in the climate in the northern United States are from SAD, but about 14 percent of the same population experience milder seasonal mood swings or winter blues. SAD’s historical characteristics include energy collapse, weight gain, depression, and mood swings.

Try a lightbox

If you suffer from mild or severe winter blues, this is the first time to learn about a lightbox. These deprivations are exposed to light (10 times larger than home lighting) to reduce SAD symptoms.

A lightbox to add natural daylight when the days are longer and darker. You can set your lightbox to desire (to emit between half an hour and 2 hours of happy light). (Here are some more lifestyle techniques to deal with seasonal distractions).

Stay out

While you can supplement your usual lighting with a lightbox or vitamin D supplement, it is still important that you go out as much as possible in the winter. After all, vitamin D (aka the sunshine vitamin) through the skin.

Use this as an excuse to get out of the fresh air and sunlight. Go for a winter walk, skate, snowshoe, or create a horrible circle of snow angels with a companion. Daily aerobic exercise not only helps you stay fit and energetic throughout the winter – but it will lift your spirits (thanks to happy endorphins) as well.

Stick to the plan

When it comes to work, sleep, exercise, and eating, one thing is essential: do these things according to plan. So do your best in the winter to resist the urge to stay up late or sleep too long. The same goes for overeating and eating healthy meals throughout the day.

Establishing and adhering to a regular schedule when it comes to sleep, exercise and eating will ensure that your rhythms stay balanced. Day beats are the body’s internal clock. These circadian rhythms respond primarily to light and darkness (which is why regular sleep is essential) and affect you physically, mentally, and behaviorally.

Eat for a better hormonal balance.

In addition to your circadian rhythms, the hormone melatonin significantly affects your need for sleep and hibernation. It also affects your sleep patterns, mood, energy levels, and the risk of seasonal disturbances.

Your body releases more melatonin during the dark, cold winter months, which explains your need to bundle up on the couch and not appear until spring. According to research from the University of Texas, certain foods (i.e., almonds, walnuts, and lettuce) naturally promote sleep.

Go and say good morning.

We already know that morning exercise can help increase your energy level, mood, and metabolism for the day ahead. Therefore, even if you cannot go out running every day in the middle of winter – morning walks will work! (Here are some tips for cold winter exercises).

Lace-up your snow boots for a good time walk to greet the sun. Not only will early morning rays help to blast SAD symptoms (it doesn’t matter if the sun is out or not). Remember that if you feel the effects of SAD, it will take approx. 3 days out of the sun to turn this winter blues around.