Tips for traveling in winter

tips for travel in winter

Any time is good to travel, but each season has its peculiarities. We have just started winter and many destinations are at their best for you to visit. But it is also true that the conditions of this season can bring with them details that you overlook. So that nothing can spoil your getaway and that it is easier for you to travel at this time, we tell you our best tips for traveling in winter.

Choose suitable destination and activities

The first thing you should do on a winter trip is to find out in detail about the weather peculiarities of the place and choose a destination according to what you are looking for. For example, if you are unable to cope with the rain, try to choose places that, even in winter, have less rainfall.

This will also be useful to know what you are going to find there and organize your activities. Knowing the average temperature or if there is a possibility of snow will help you better draw your roadmap. Imagine that you are eager to find a copious snowfall but in your destination, there are usually none? Winter is not the same in all places.

Closely related to this is the type of activities you can do. For the most daring, Tips for traveling in winter are not an impediment at all. But we are aware that, in the same way, that skiing is not usually done in summer, a swim on the coast of Galicia is more desirable in summer. So include in your winter trip activities that you can do in almost any circumstance that the season presents. In this way, you will avoid getting frustrated by not being able to do something that you had planned. Enjoy the wonderful landscapes that winter offers, the gastronomy of the place, or its heritage. And what feels good in any season is a getaway to a spa.

Tips for traveling in winter.

Prepare your trip

This is a tip that you can apply to both your winter and summer getaways, but it is very important. It does not matter if you are going to go to Milan and want to see Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper or if you travel to Lapland and want to do a route with reindeer: find out in advance, book tickets, tickets or transfers and make your trip amazing.

In addition, each place has its own customs and your life may extend every day until 10 at night, but in many countries at 4 in the afternoon it is night in winter (or earlier) and tourist attractions are closed. Therefore, it is better to prevent and accumulate as much information as possible about the destination that we are going to visit.

Finally, be careful with the time: if you leave Spain and travel to a country with another time zone, remember to change the clock as soon as you arrive to avoid upset. It is the first thing to do and a trick is to listen to the pilot of our plane when he welcomes us to our destination, taking advantage of those minutes of landing to set the correct time.

Tips for visiting cold places

When we travel in winter, especially if we travel to cold places, we know what we are facing: freezing temperatures and the absence of sun. Tips for traveling in winter. But to survive these destinations there are some tricks that can make our trip easier.

. Get out of the street every so often: if the cold chases us, it is good to go into museums, shops, cafes, or other places to recover from the low temperatures. It is the best way to recover the lost heat and return to the charge with renewed strength.

. Hats or earmuffs: not everyone is a fan of these clothes, your photos may not even be the most beautiful in the world, but when you finish the trip you will be glad you bought them.

. Don’t forget your swimsuit: many of these cold destinations have attractions like spas or spas to ‘enjoy’ those low temperatures in hot springs. Going to a spa is a great option at any time of the year.

. Use vacuum bags: if you need more space in your suitcase, use these bags because they will help you compress your luggage to the maximum.

. Documentation and medications: these are two of the essential things on every trip and we cannot forget them, even if it is the last thing we think about. Put it first in the suitcase so as not to regret it upon arrival at the destination.


Surely when you think of taking a trip in winter you imagine yourself loaded with luggage. But it is not necessary; the important thing is to choose the right and key garments. In fact, the Nordics have a perfect saying for this: “there is no bad weather, but bad clothes.” That means that the important thing is not to carry three travel bags, but good quality clothes.

First of all, you should choose a multipurpose warm garment, that is, one that is useful for everything you intend to do on the trip and that is comfortable for you. It is not very practical to carry several coats or down jackets, but try to make the garment you decide on waterproof: it will avoid more than one problem.

With regard to footwear, Tips for traveling in winter. the advice we offer you is similar. Some comfortable, warm, and water-resistant shoes or boots will be ideal, although it will not hurt to bring another spare pair in case you get wet. In this way, you will save a lot of space in your suitcase for sweaters, sweatshirts, warm socks, and the star accessories of winter: scarf, hat, and gloves.

Because the feet and hands are two of the most important parts of the body to protect: that is where we get very cold and it is essential to keep them warm. As in the rest of the body, you can apply the onion technique, that is, place several layers, always from less to a greater thickness. And, as in the rest of the luggage, the better quality these garments have, the better.

Including thermal underwear is also a great idea: these are thin and comfortable t-shirts and pants, in the style of pajamas, but that especially protects from the cold and is perfect for visiting places with very low temperatures.

In addition, your toiletry bag should not lack a good moisturizer to take care of your skin after exposing it to the cold, a nose and lip balm, and treatment for your hands. Tips for traveling in winter. May, I know this article helps us.