Warm places: winter blues in the sun

warm places winter blues in the sun

Do you feel warm places sad during the winter months? You do not know what happens to you but the truth is that it has a name. It’s called Winter Blues or Seasonal Affective Disorder. It comes with the coldest and darkest months and the best way to combat it is with a little sun. Pack your bags; we suggest where to travel in the hot winter.

What is Winter Blues?

The term was first coined in the 80s of the last century. At the time, a psychiatrist was investigating depression that occurred in the fall and winter and that disappeared as soon as spring arrived. He called it Seasonal Affective Disorder or Winter Blues.

Apparently, it usually arrives at the time we make the time change and, in most cases, the body regulates itself and follows its rhythm. However, there are few who feel warm places sad, listless, with eating disorders, and even fatigued during the winter season.

The symptoms subside as soon as the affected person comes into contact with sunnier days. Light and color take the Winter Blues ahead. This is why it is a good idea to find where to travel in hot winter. A good shot of vitamin D will do you wonderfully!

How to escape the cold?

We tend to want to take warm places vacations throughout the summer months. However, it is time to say goodbye to Seasonal Affective Disorder with a simple gesture. We just have to take a few days of vacation and decide where to travel in January or where to travel in February. We propose to you some infallible destinations. In them, the sun has no rest.

Warm places

Where to travel in January?

Critics of the cold find January one of the most difficult months of the year. Some people can even suffer insomnia in the absence of sun. So the first month of the year can be a great time to travel to warmer places.

Places like Thailand, in Southeast Asia, are a safe bet. The temperature will be exquisite and the gastronomic and cultural offer can be combined with fantastic days on the beach. Lying in the Thai January sun will be a fascinating experience.

Where to travel in February?

February is another difficult month for those affected by the Winter Blues. For this reason, taking a plane and taking advantage of certain occasions can be the perfect excuse to make the leap to a sun and beach destination like Brazil.

That perfect excuse may be to know the most famous carnival in the world. The Rio de Janeiro Carnival will give you wings to enjoy a unique temperature, a tropical climate, and the beauty of beaches like Panama or Copacabana.

Perfect destinations during the Winter Blues

Whichever month the Affective Emotional Disorder beats us; you can always pack your bags and head off to a sunny destination. Now we propose to you some warm places in the world where your cold winter can become a wonderful setting bathed in sun, warmth, and great experiences.

Dubai has become a very popular destination in recent years. However, the best time to travel to this Middle Eastern country is winter. During these dates, the temperatures are milder. The days are around 25 ° C and the humidity is less pronounced.

These conditions allow you to enjoy a swim on the beach or in the pool, go shopping in its large and elegant shopping centers or carry out a rally in the desert. These activities are completely impossible in summer when temperatures can reach 50 ° C and sandstorms can be mortifying for tourists.

As you can see, winter is perfect for enjoying the sun in Dubai, so the bet is safe


The country of the pharaohs is also more recurrent in winter. During those months the temperatures are cooler and, in addition, there is not as much agglomeration of tourists. Pack everything you need and get ready to contemplate the pyramids, take a walk along the Nile or scour the souks in search of a good relic.

If you go to Egypt to fight the Winter Blues, you can also choose to spend a few days on the beach in the Red Sea. The tourist and hotel facilities are impressive and I can’t think of better Warm places to lie in the sun, the king of the pharaohs.


Cubans often say that Cuba is an eternal summer and it is true. This is a fantastic destination if you are looking to travel in hot winter. Here you will also enjoy milder temperatures, hovering around 22 ° C and with little chance of rain.

It is time for a perfect and anthological combination in Havana and Vardar. Without a doubt, your spirits will rise with a cocktail at El Florida. In its bar, which has been standing since the second half of the 19th century, you will find a life-size sculpture of the great writer Ernest Hemingway.

The magic of Cuba will leave you with wonderful moments, such as the moments you can spend in the Tropicana or the fun rides in Coco-Taxi do not miss everything you can do on a trip to Havana.


Argentina is such a vast country that you can find practically all climates. Therefore, it is important that you decide what you are looking for. In this case, you are after sunny weather that is not overwhelming.

In this case, the austral summer is your season. From December to March, Argentina offers you a completely summery climate. It is time to escape to places like Mar del Plata and indulge in water sports.

If your thing is to close more contact with nature, you can also enjoy very interesting spaces. The city of Córdoba, for example, is one of the tourists. It is one of the most visited by lovers of adventure sports. Its natural environment is exquisite.

Punta Cana

Punta Cana is one of the sun and beach destinations par excellence. The good thing about this paradisiac enclave is that you can enjoy its good climate warm places throughout the year. The dreamy beaches, with their turquoise waters and fine white sand, make up a postcard that will leave you speechless. Choose your trip to Punta Cana with flight and hotel and enjoy those well-deserved vacations.

If the Winter Blues has knocked on your door and you don’t know where to travel in hot winter, Punta Cana is the ideal place to also enjoy an impressive gastronomic offer: seafood and Creole dishes. Who needs more?

Canary Islands

The Canary Islands is a Spanish paradise. Deciding to spend a few days in the Fortunate Islands means guaranteeing good weather warm places at any time of the year. The archipelago offers its best beaches, many of them with a fascinating volcanic origin.

You can combine the practice of water sports with time to rest lying on the towel. Of course, we cannot forget its natural and scenic wealth that makes the Canaries a fabulous destination for nature lovers.

Let you be seduced by the wines and cheeses of the land and, also, forget all the sorrows in front of a good plate of wrinkled potatoes.


The capital of Greece enjoys the benevolence of the Mediterranean climate. In February, it is common to find days that do not drop below 20 ° C. This means that the traveler can visit the wonders of Ancient Greece practically alone, without the avalanche of tourists and the long lines of other months.

Without a doubt, in this city, warm places you would miss the Winter Blues even if it fell on the tip of the head. So much beauty is manna for the heart. You will be in the cradle of Western civilization, the land of the great classical heroes and the gods of Olympus.

One of the cultures, Acropolis the Parthenon or a climb to Filipinos to take the best panoramic view of the entire city. Strolling around the Place neighborhood, with its shops, bars, and tricky corners. Snooping, you can’t miss the changing of the guard in Parliament.

Sri Lanka

Nature has rewarded Sri Lanka with an enviable climate from which there is much to be done on a winter warm places trip. If you need a getaway that replenishes your vitamin D levels and provides you with a serotonin boost, this should be your first choice.

In February the rainy season has passed and the rainfall will not ruin your plans. The beaches maintain a hot and much milder climate than in summer. You will be able to enjoy those tropical spaces that invite you to lie down in the sun and immerse yourself in its exciting turquoise waters.

Of course, between bathing and bathing, you can take the opportunity to make small trips to the jungle areas of Sri Lanka. At this time the degree of humidity drops to 70% and you will be able to discover a fantastic setting, composed of immense and varied flora and fauna.

As you can see, you can no longer argue that you do not know where to travel in hot winter. We have provided you with a very complete list, with destinations for all tastes. Now all you have to do is say goodbye to warm places to Winter Blues!